Thursday, 3 February 2011

under the umbel - series 2 preview

The Umbelliferae

What design! Over a hundred individual flowers radiating from multiple hollow stems. A single plant can attract over 2000 different species of insect. A big family of edible and fatally poisonous plants with specific species identification keys that include flowering times and aroma.

pheasant - series 2 preview

Pheasant - Phasianus colchicus

Despite their beauty, they are regarded as quite clumsy and stupid. But, restricted to only eight seconds in flight because of those impossible dimension, they more often than not escape my rather keen dogs. That takes skill. Introduced from China, a long time ago, they've now become such a familiar part of the English countryside.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

bah - series 2 preview

Sheep - Ovis aries

How we love sheep, I believe because of their neoteny as much as their taste.